
angry logic!

28 Oct

angry logic!

new angry logic’s over on this blog here
check it out!

Its horrible having a head 4

16 Oct
  1. This is the forth zine coming out soon! It’s about my favourite things in life. Hit me up here, on face book or twitter for a copy!
  2. cover1
  3. page 34a page 18a page 17a page 8a page 4a


8 Oct

Hey guys,


So ive been at this all day and I know, it probably needs some work but im trying to start up an old cartoon I started a few years ago. Its called angry logic check it out and leave me a comment or whatever.


1 3 angry logic politics

Ghost mice flyer

7 Oct




Ghost mice are a two-piece folk punk band from Bloomington Indiana.


I first got introduced to them by my mate Dylan who subsequently helped them tour Ireland and eventually drove them around Europe on one of their tours in 2007 or something.


They wouldn’t be my favourite band in the universe but I still think their good and unbelievably awesome people who have given so much to the DIY punk community.


Anyway last July they were supposed to come back to Ireland and my mate Ste (of toast office records) and my other mates in demented promotions organised a show for them in Dublin. They asked me to do the flyer:

ghost mice flyer




This was the first time I properly used colour in one of my design. I was nervous and spent a little bit too long on it but ultimately was happy with the finished piece.


In the end the show was cancelled due to illness that affected one of the band members and although everybody was kinda worried for the band the show went on and still ruled.



Big ups to Ghost Mice, Toast Office Records, Demented Promotions and the fuggin Punx!!!


2 Oct

When I first got out of college I moved into this kinda run down house with a bunch of mates. At the time one of them asked me to do up a flyer for him and his mates. “Its to promote bicycle rights” he says, so of course I was all over it.


It was only after drawing and colouring it in by hand (this was pre Photoshop days) that I researched what critical mass was. I was lucky in so far as I agreed to what they were about.


From then on I never did anything for anyone unless I agreed with their message, weather it was a gig or something else I always had to have the full information and agree with it before putting pen to paper. it seems a bit obvious now but its something i forgot to take into consideration at the time.

critical mass


I loved doing this however because its all the one drawing. Usually If I attempt something like this all the characters are drawn individually and pasted together using photoshop.


Gonna have to give something like this a go again soon.


Drawn with  pen and promarkers.


30 Sep

So I’m part of this zine collective called Eddie pie hands and our main goal is to raise awareness of zines and zine culture in general.  We’ve been meeting over the past few months and decided what were going to be doing.


We have an event on the 4th of October called skint and it’s a fundraiser for our proper launch on the 20th of the same month. So please come and ask us about zines: what to do etc. im pretty sure any one in the collective would love to waffle the head off you about them.


I did four separate flyers centred around four members of the collective all interacting with zine related things.

one two three four


I got everything together in a day or so because of my fancy new Wacom tablet. If you aint got one of those I suggest you buy, rob, borrow or steal one cuz there great fun.


26 Sep



So this was the third issue of having a head.

It was about how I had no real plan or direction after college.

I kinda felt like I was just floating around the place. It was kind of depressing.

This however helped me out of that funk. Because I studied why I was feeling this way, the prospect of having no future didn’t seem so daunting. Infact, I realised how silly it is to start worrying about that kind of stuff instead of making realistic goals on how to get on with your life.

I put a lot of effort into this to have it out for the INDEPENDANTS DAY and it was well worth the heart ache and stress as the day its self was awesome.

Here’s some drawings from it.

4 5 8 10 14 19

Let me know if you want one or want to let me know what you think hit me up on facebook, twitter  or even knock me off an email to:

Its Horrible Having A Head: Issue 2

24 Sep

ihhah 2 cover

I started doing zines when I was in school. Being into art and part of the DIY punk scene in Ireland… ya kinda had to do them.

My zine is called its ‘horrible having a head’ and each issues has different subject matters that all try to ask questions that have been rambling around in my head for a while.

I only picked up doing zines again after college. I really enjoy doing them and im pretty happy how this one turned out.

page 75

 page 6

page 73

If your interested in getting one off me let me know on


24 Sep


Ok, so to anyone whose checked out my stuff before and wondered, “where the hell is his on-line presence???”

Well here it is, sorry about that! Hopefully you’ll forgive me and keep following me here.

This is big for me as its my first ever blog and I’m really, really excited about this oppertunitiy to show you all my work.

Let me know what you think ok??